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Working Paper


The Political Costs of Taxation

Par Eva Davoine, Joseph Enguehard, and Igor Kolesnikov
The paper examines the political costs of taxation in early modern France. It focuses on efforts to enforce the salt tax, the rate of which varied across regions.
Working Paper


Global Minimum Tax and Profit Shifting

Par Petr Janský, Tomáš Boukal, and Miroslav Palanský
We develop a methodology to decompose the tax revenue impact of the global minimum tax introduced in 2024 into several components and quantify its potential impact on profit shifting.
Working Paper


Profit Shifting and International Tax Reforms

Par Alessandro Ferrari, Sébastien Laffitte, Mathieu Parenti, and Farid Toubal
We propose a model of corporate tax avoidance that separates profits generated by real economic activities from paper profits shifted to tax havens. The model introduces ’triangle identities’ to estimate bilateral profit-shifting flows.


The note estimates that approximately 50% of large US companies and a significant portion of multinationals from countries like China, Japan, and Germany will potentially have to disclose information on their tax haven presence.


The Mystery of Anonymous Investment in US Real Estate

Par Matt Collin, Karan Mishra, and Andreas Økland
This note addresses the significant concerns associated with anonymous real estate ownership in the United States, highlighting how a considerable amount of property, including residential real estate, is held via corporate entities that conceal the true owners.


This report examines the current landscape of corporate tax transparency and evaluates how emerging transparency measures could shape future developments in this critical area.


Foreign investment in the Dubai housing market, 2020-2024

Par Annette Alstadsæter, Matt Collin, Bluebery Planterose, Gabriel Zucman, and Andreas Økland
This note presents new evidence on the scale of foreign investment in the Dubai residential property market. Using new data comprising the ownership of a large share of the Dubai property market, we present updated estimates of foreign-owned real estate for the years 2020 and 2022.
Working Paper


In this paper, we study the extent to which “golden visas” impact real estate housing markets. Using the population of transactions records from 2007 to 2019, we analyse the introduction of the Golden Visa Program in Portugal in 2012.
Working Paper


The Market for Tax Havens

Par Sébastien Laffitte
This paper investigates the determinants and consequences of the development of tax havens using a novel database that tracks the creation and development of offshore institutions in 48 tax havens.


Global Tax Evasion Report 2024

Par Annette Alstadsæter, Sarah Godar, Panayiotis Nicolaides, and Gabriel Zucman
An unprecedented research collaboration investigating the successes and failures of the fight against tax evasion over the last decade, building on the work of more than 100 researchers globally.


Digital Service Taxes

Par Sofía Balladares Herbert, Mona Barake, and Enea Baselgia
Digital Service Taxes (DSTs) are a recently introduced fiscal tool designed to tax digital companies. This note collects all publicly available data to take stock of the first few years of DST implementation.
Working Paper


Benchmarking Country-by-Country Reports

Par Giulia Aliprandi, and Gerrit von Zedlitz
In this paper, we conduct a benchmark analysis focusing on publicly available Country-by-Country Reports to assess the reliability of CbCR information compared to respective consolidated financial information.
Working Paper


Effective Tax Rates and Firm Size

Par Pierre Bachas, Anne Brockmeyer, Roel Dom, and Camille Semelet
This paper provides novel evidence on the relationship between firm size and effective corporate tax rates using full-population administrative tax data from 13 countries.
Working Paper


Cet article explore l’optimisation fiscale des banques européennes à travers une nouvelle source de données. Depuis 2014, les institutions financières ont commencé à divulguer leur activité dans chaque pays, conformément à la directive européenne CRD IV.
Working Paper


Global Profit Shifting, 1975 - 2019

Par Ludvig Wier, and Gabriel Zucman
Cet article construit des séries temporelles de transfert de bénéfices mondiaux couvrant la période 2015-19, durant laquelle d'importants efforts internationaux ont été mis en œuvre pour freiner le transfert de bénéfices.


Une taxation moderne des superprofits

Par Manon François, Carlos Oliveira, Bluebery Planterose, and Gabriel Zucman
Cette note présente une nouvelle façon d'imposer les bénéfices extraordinaires des entreprises ayant bénéficié de circonstances exceptionnelles depuis l'invasion de l'Ukraine, comme le secteur énergétique, en taxant la hausse de la capitalisation boursière de ces entreprises.
Working Paper


Ce document étudie l'efficacité des amnisties fiscales et leurs impacts sur l'imposition du capital et les dépenses publiques. Nous tirons parti de la grande variabilité des politiques de l'Argentine, qui a mis en œuvre le programme le plus réussi au monde, révélant des actifs d'une valeur de 21 %.
Working Paper


A Modern Excess Profit Tax

Par Manon François, Carlos Oliveira, Bluebery Planterose, and Gabriel Zucman
This paper presents a new way to tax excess profits. We propose to tax the rise in the stock market capitalization of companies that benefit from extraordinary circumstances, such as energy firms following the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.
Working Paper


Les pennies du paradis : salaires et transfert de bénéfices

Par Annette Alstadsæter, Julie Brun Bjørkheim, Ronald B. Davies, and Johannes Scheuerer
Notre société accorde une attention croissante au fait que certaines multinationales déplacent leurs revenus vers des paradis fiscaux, une activité qui génère une inégalité dans l'imposition des sociétés.
Cet article examine le lien entre le transfert de bénéfices et l'inégalité des salaires.


Nouvelles formes de concurrence fiscale : une enquête empirique

Par Eloi Flamant, Sarah Godar, and Gaspard Richard
Ce rapport fournit une analyse empirique de la concurrence fiscale entre les particuliers et les entreprises au sein de l’Union européenne, au travers d'un classement des régimes fiscaux les plus néfastes. Il propose également plusieurs options pour faire face à ces tendances.

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