Skatteforsk Conférence 2023 & Lancement du Atlas

Détails de l'événement


Mercredi 25 Octobre


10:00 - 14:00



Skatteforsk Conference 2023 & The Atlas Launch

Skatteforsk – Centre for Tax Research will be hosting its first ever yearly conference in Stavanger, Norway during the 23rd-25th of October. The Skatteforsk Conference will be a meeting point for people from different disciplines to discuss current challenges for tax research such as data privacy, legal frameworks and new areas of cross-national tax avoidance and evasion, with a particular focus on dissemination to the greater public and dialogue between participants.

On the final day of the conference, the Atlas of the Offshore World, a collaboration between Skatteforsk and the EU Tax Observatory financed by the Norwegian Agency for Development (NORAD), will be presented. The Atlas is a first of its kind web portal with country-by-country estimates on financial and real estate wealth held offshore. The data presented in the portal is the backbone of the Global Tax Evasion Report 2024, a groundbreaking analysis of the dynamics of tax evasion and how to face it.

The public launch will be followed by a Keynote Seminar by Professor Gabriel Zucman titled “Global Tax Evasion: Recent Trends and Emerging Issues”. If you are not able to attend in person, you can follow the launch of the Atlas and the keynote seminar online by signing up here: The launch is set to start at 10:00 CET and the keynote seminar will begin at 13:00 CET.


Kåkå|nomics Festival

The Kåkå|nomics Festival is a yearly economics festival in Stavanger. The festival addresses economic issues in our society, and its goal is to provide a platform for economists explain to a broad audience how they see the world develop. Joining economists are psychologists, technologists, philosophers, historians, journalists, artists, politicians and comedians.

On opening day, the program will start with “The Tax Debate” where, based on the data of the new Atlas of the Offshore World, panelists will address questions such as: “Who are the biggest tax dodgers?”, “How much does it cost society as a whole and how does this affect developing countries in particular?” as well as discussing what governments can do to tackle tax avoidance, and what role businesses and investors can take considering the trade-offs they face when seeking to maximize profits. The discussion will be moderated by Professor Annette Alstadsæter from Skatteforsk, and the panelists include Professor Gabriel Zucman from the EU Tax Observatory and Knut Kjær, funding CEO of Norges Bank Investment Management.

You can see the full Kåkå|nomics Festival program here and an overview of events where Skatteforsk- and EU Tax Observatory-associated researchers will be participating here (page in Norwegian)